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AD8023AR, Xinye International Technology Limited - Inventory

Company Introduction XINYE INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY LIMITED is specialized in distributing electronic components for foreign famous manufacturers and has special stocking channels and many years of sales experience. Having large numbers of merchandises on hand, We are an independent and honest distributor of all brands of ICs, such as MICROCHI, MAX, AD, NEC,ALTERA, ATMEL ,XILIX, ST, TOSHIBA,TI, P...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
AD8023AR SOP AD 500
AD8023AR SOP14 AD 3654 02+
AD8024AR SOP ADI 6000 06+
AD8024AR SOP16 AD 2365 05+
AD8026AR SOP AD 500
AD8028AR SOP8 AD 200
AD8031AR SOP8 AD 254
AD8032AR SOP8 AD 255
AD8032BR SOP8 AD 256
AD8034AR SOP8 AD 257
AD8036AR SOP8 AD 258
AD8037AR SOP8 AD 519
AD8039AR SOP8 AD 261
AD8041AR SOP AD 500
AD8041AR SOP8 AD 262
AD8042AR SOP AD 500
AD8042AR SOP8 AD 500
AD8043AE SOP8 AD 501
AD8043F SOP AD 500
AD8043F SOP8 AD 628 2002

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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